Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Spoit4Choice Jamhuri Weekend Info

Hi guys and gals!


The end of the year is around the corner, talk about time flying while you’re having a good time! The dust has barely settled on the Athi 4x4 Challenge and Great Run 6 and here we are on the verge of the #Spoilt4Choice weekend as we mark 51 years of independence for Kenya.  It hasn’t been an easy transition into the second half of a century of independence but we continue to treasure our beloved country and all that it has to offer and what better way to do so than to get out, #PointAndGoBeyond and do something different to mark Jamhuri day?  Reach out to that fellow country man and woman and be a difference in their lives this Jamhuri weekend!


Speaking of  being #Spoilt4Choice we have Xtremefest Rough Jazz edition going down at Lukenya hills this Friday and Saturday with lots of action, camping, trail driving, charity car wash to name but a few. The action kicks off from 11am on Friday with a season ticket guaranteeing entry on both days as well as access to camping facilties etc.  Anyone can take part (4x4s are advisable for the trail drives and challenge activities) and with the rough jazz and outdoor carnivore athmosphere this promises to be an Xtremefest to remember…#XtremefestRoughJazz is the hashtag for the event, be sure to tag your pals in all your pictures there… contact Eric for more info 0713 452 446 or check out the Xtremefest Land Rover Appreciation Day page on Facebook, @XtremefestLAD on twitter



Similarly over in Iten county we will be rocking to the 4x4 Bush Party, teaming up with the Iten county government to kick-start promotion of the Rimoi National Reserve as a tourist destination.  This is devolution at its very best and we will be taking the party to the wild with game drives, off road challenge, beauty pageant and a proper bush party to light up the skies in Iten county. Pack that 4x4 with your camping gear, load up on the necessary goodies and hook up with the convoy on Friday morning 6am to set off on this grand adventure… #Rimoi4x4BushParty is the hashtag for the event, be sure to tag your pals in all your pictures….contact Vincent for more info 0722 537 365 or check out the Bundu Rovers Club page on Facebook



Wherever you’ll be, make sure to be safe as you enjoy the weekend and extend the Bundurovers cheer to someone else!




Bundu Rovers team!


Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Upcoming events

Hi guys and gals,


We are definitely flying towards the end of the year and the good news is there’s no shortage of action to suit everyone’s taste buds this festive season, check out some of the action


30th November – Athi River 4x4 Challenge is one with a tough intermediate and expert entry categories

6th December – The Great Run taking crews into the Aberdares National Park and Nyeri overnight

12-14th December – An epic long weekend, we’ll be celebrating Jamhuri day rocking both in and out of Nairobi with two super club events Xtremefest Rough Jazz edition in Lukenya and the 4x4 Bush Party in Iten

29th Dec – 2nd Jan – it’s the season finale Family trip down to Malindi

31st Dec – 2nd Jan – Macha New Year’s Eve Concert


Whatever your pick there’s no shortage of adrenaline pumping hot 4x4 action or simple 4x4 chilling with the family and crowd!


As always drop us an email to get more info -, much more info on the 12-14th Dec action coming up




Bundu Rovers Club team!






Monday, 29 September 2014

Mt Kenya EcoChallenge 2014

Hi guys and gals,


Its 20 days to go to this year’s edition of the “Mt Kenya EcoChallenge”, definitely among the top events on the Bundu Rovers Club annual calendar and a wonderful opportunity to give to conservation and have mud fun all at the same time.  We will be catching up with Chogoria Forest Association and seeing how the trees we planted last year are faring as well as add to the numbers with their reforestation efforts.  This is definitely to club trip to be on not only to enjoy your standard 4x4 and take it to its limits (you’ll probably discover you can do much more than you thought); the trip is a great weekend getaway in the bush with camping.  Drop us an email to for the full brief and to sign up.



Bundu Rovers Club Team




Monday, 11 August 2014

Bundu Rovers Club Suswa Spa road trip

Hi guys,


Now here’s one of those road trips with twists and turns, in more ways than one.  We’ll be taking on an interesting route that gives variety in scenery and an interesting challenge should it be wet along the way and then quite literally drops us into one of the best kept secrets in Naivasha – the Geothermal Spa and a chance to wash off the trail madness in a deluxe mega sized natural spa.  Make a date with us this Saturday, whether you want to do that rugged drive for the day and head back to Nairobi or spend a night in the bush and take it easy in good company over a campfire and friendly banter. All the info you need is here below. Club members only pay their costs (fuel, charges outlined below and camping fees if that option is picked).  Non members pay an additional cover charge of 1,000shs per car-load. 



Bundu Rovers Club team




Suswa drive map



There’s always adventure around the corner…..something short and sweet coming up courtesy Bundu Rovers Club. Sign up to for details


Friday, 25 July 2014

Matasia Special Needs Centre Visit

Hi guys,


Here's a brief update on the upcoming club event, the visit with Matasia Special Needs Centre taking place Saturday 2nd August, 1000hrs to 1630hrs.


Meeting point is Karen outside the Nairobi Water offices (opposite Karen police station) departing at 1015hrs for Matasia, program kicks off at 11 with a tour of the centre and Q&A with the team manning it before we meet with the kids and their parents/guardians for a fun filled interactive picnic session at shalom hills picnic site (entry 250 per adult and 200 per child). We will be contributing 500shs each to cater for the picnic fee for the kids and we kindly ask that everyone coming makes a point to come with/pack a picnic mix for you and two more people, including drinks. 


Let’s all keep time and come ready to have a lot of fun even as we learn about and identify ways to assist the super children that MSNC is working with.  Don't forget to bring along your entire family, friends, some footballs for kicking around etc. 


Lastly attached is a brief write up about MSNC for those who missed some of the updates about this organization.  The passion they have for kids with special needs is awesome and we are privileged to be partnering with them as Bundu Rovers Club. 


Kindly confirm your participation for planning purposes. 



Bundu Rovers Club team




Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Rhinocharge 2014

Hi guys and gals,


We’re barely two weeks away from this year’s Rhino Charge and as always we plan to rock in the Bush in true Bundu Rovers Club “Bushman” style J. We have a great bush package for the club courtesy of Adventure Alternatives with two options

·         Full package – Tent, Meals and Services (loo and shower) at 8,000 per person sharing OR

·         Half package – Your own tent; Meals and Services (loo and shower) at 4,500 per person

Take your pick of the two options, let us know ASAP for confirmation purposes and make a point to pay for the same latest by the 21st of May through mpesa to 0713736153 (Rikki).


We will have an informal briefing for those hanging out with us during the Rhinocharge on Thursday 22nd May at K1 from 7pm.  You can always get in touch for more info prior to then – Call up Cess on 0713802641 or drop us an email on or





For Bundu Rovers Club

Post Script: Great opportunity to find out more about our social charity – Matasia Special Needs Centre – and be part of their funky photoshoot on Sunday 25th May. Check our social feeds for more info on that one.


Friday, 4 April 2014

Bundu Rovers Club Easter 2014 Road Trip

Hi there,


After the exciting action at the Athi River 4x4 Challenge and the club BBQ before that we’re quickly coming to Easter and as promised here are the details for the upcoming Easter road trip.  Costings for accommodation will be circulated before the end of the weekend – camping and limited cabin options are available so do sign up if you’re down for some exciting out of town Easter action with family and friends. Spread the word and get ready to have lots of fun!



Bundu Rovers Club team

P.S. Round trip estimate is 550kms





Sunday, 16 March 2014

Bundu Rovers Club Lukenya BBQ 22nd March

Hi guys n gals,

We're only a week away from our club bbq.... this coming Saturday the 22nd of March in Lukenya from 2pm with overnight camping (optional).  This is a great opportunity to get all details on the club, give your suggestions and input on drives and activities and generally hang out with other 4x4 enthusiasts and Landie lovers.  

Lukenya Club BBQ 

Kindly take note of the updated info below: 

  • Facility fee - Kshs 1,000 per (includes bbq)
  • Bring your own starch & drinksamping gear is needed for those who will be camping 
  • Those interested in bring stuff to the car boot barter trade cum sale session need to let us know for planning purposes latest by Wednesday 19th March - email what you'll be bringing along to trade.  
  • Paid up members of Bundu Rovers Club will be receiving their 2014 kit at this event too


Directions: Lukenya BBQ site is down Mombasa rd past Lukenya hill and first left turn after Simba cement site.  Drive about 6kms and turn right off the track opposite the Kyosumbugua Guest House sign, drive up 3km following the markers. (GPS markers S 01°27.880’ E037°08.940’).  Call up Munene if you'll need directions on the Saturday - 0722679306 

Spread the word, bring a couple of friends plus their 4x4s and let's have some fun! 


for Bundu Rovers Club
Cess - 0713802641 

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

March 22nd Club BBQ

Lukenya Club BBQ 

Happening on Saturday the 22nd of March in Lukenya from 2pm onwards (with optional overnight camping for those interested).  Paid up members will be receiving their 2014 kit at this event too.   

·  There's a camp fee of 500Kshs per person

·  Choma will be on the grill, bring your own food & drinks and camping gear. 

·  We will be having a car boot barter trade cum sale session so if you've got stuff to give away or sell better load it up in your machine and bring it along.

·  Great opportunity to get all details on the club, give input on drives and activities and generally hang out  

Directions: Lukenya BBQ site is down Mombasa rd past Lukenya hill and off on the left turn just after Simba cement site.  Drive for about 6kms and turn right off the track opposite the Kyosumbugua Guest House sign, drive up 3km following the markers. (GPS markers S 01°27.880’ E037°08.940’)